Looking to add more arts in your life in the new year?  

Amelia W. Fulmer, director of the Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center at Flagler Auditorium and a passionate advocate for arts and arts education in the region, has some ideas to add to your list of resolutions for 2025.

One good way to start is to learn a new instrument, take up painting, or join a theater group.

"Engaging in creative activities can help reduce stress and improve mental health.  Studies have shown that these activities sharpen our memory and strengthen our emotional intelligence,” Fulmer said.

Play a guitar. Play a piano. Learn watercolor. Become an actor. It’s all fun and stimulating.

And regardless of what performing or visual art you are focusing on, commit to being consistent in practicing every day. 

A little practice every day goes a long way, Fulmer said.

“Start small and don't overdo it; that makes it easier to stay motivated and achieve long-term success." 

Also, plan to attend more live performances in 2025.

Attending performances can deepen your appreciation for the arts.  

“Attending live performances provides a chance for you to meet new people,” said Fulmer. “And it’s a way to take a break from daily life. It is an easy escape.”

It’s also great to work with friends or classmates to create something new as a resolution.

Setting a goal for the new year is easy when you are involved in the arts.

“You are always in good company when you sing, play in a musical group or embark on a theater journey with the local drama department,” Fulmer said. “Look for auditions online and on social media pages for local groups" 

Make it a goal to engage with public art.

"We have lots of public art in Flagler County,” said Fulmer.

She suggests a visit to The Turtle Trail in Palm Coast, or a free military concert at the Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center. 

“In Volusia County you can find free concerts at the Bandshell in Daytona Beach or at Pictona.”

Visit Deland for a chance to explore life-sized Wings of the West.

“Please take a look at these opportunities and plan a free public art day with your family,” Fulmer said. “We are blessed to have so many free opportunities in our area." 

In 2025, boost time with your loved ones and make art a family activity. The new year can be filled with hope and countless memories, enriched with a fresh commitment to the arts.

The Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center Flagler Auditorium is Flagler County’s premier performing arts center. Visit www.FlaglerAuditorium.org to learn more.