All Flagler Schools students will receive free lunches and breakfasts during the upcoming 2023–24 school year. This is made possible through our participation in the Community Eligibility Provision of the National School Lunch Program.

The Community Eligibility Provision is a federal initiative designed to ensure that every child has access to nutritious meals during their educational journey. By qualifying for the program, Flagler Schools can provide free meals to all of its students, removing any financial barriers that may hinder their ability to receive the nourishment they need.

In addition to the free meals, a la carte items will still be available for purchase. All a la carte options are “Smart Snacks in Schools” compliant, ensuring they meet high nutritional standards.

To make payments for a la carte items or manage your student’s meal account, you are encouraged to use SchoolCafé, the District’s secure online platform. For detailed instructions on how to use SchoolCafé, go to, and search for “Free Meals.”

Flagler Schools believes that access to healthy meals is crucial to our student’s well-being and academic success. Thanks to the Community Eligibility Provision, free lunches and breakfasts will be available to all Flagler Schools students.c

If you need further information about the free breakfast and lunch programs, go to our FAQ page at