With over 60,000 students preparing to start school with Volusia County Schools this year, the VCS team has been preparing for months to welcome your child back to a safe, inviting learning environment where providing high-quality instruction is the top priority.
Whether your child is new to the district, new to their school or new to their grade level, there’s plenty to look forward to and plenty of memories to be made.
When does school start?
The first day of classes is Aug. 14. School start and end times are approximately as follows, but visit your school’s website for exact bell schedules:
Elementary school — 7:50 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Middle school — 9:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
High school — 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
What’s new this year?
VCS is expanding its Spanish and English Dual Language Program to Discovery Elementary in Deltona and Freedom Elementary in DeLand this year, as well as starting a French Immersion Program at Citrus Grove Elementary in DeLand and Spruce Creek Elementary in Port Orange. These programs, along with expanding gifted and voluntary prekindergarten programs, are amazing ways for young learners to start early and gain valuable skills.
The district also continues to expand career and technical education (CTE) options, including a new aerospace pathway at select middle schools, which will include courses developed by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) to promote exploration of aerospace. Students at select high schools can also take dual enrollment courses in aerospace through ERAU.
VCS will also provide free breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of household income, again this year in your child’s School Way Cafe.
What is required to enter or return to school?
To register for school, parents must provide verification of their student’s legal name, guardianship, age, immunizations and physicals, residency and academic history.
For returning students, review and complete necessary back-to-school forms, including media release, student information release opt-out, parent consent and bus stop release forms.
Is transportation available?
School bus transportation is provided free to all students who live more than two miles from their assigned school or are a participant in a designated Exceptional Student Education program.
What safety precautions are in place?
VCS is proud to have school guardians and resource officers on all campuses to ensure the safety of students and staff. These team members work closely with law enforcement and are trained to respond to any possible scenario. Other safety measures include emergency plans, regular drills and exercises, infrastructure improvement and investment in fencing, access control, visitor management systems and security cameras, including on school buses, which are each equipped with 10 cameras to monitor safety in and around the vehicle.
Encourage your child to notify an adult if they see anything suspicious and to report safety tips through FortifyFL at getfortifyfl.com. These tips are delivered immediately to safety personnel. Additionally, ensure you are sending your child to school with only appropriate items in their backpack and on their person. Even toy weapons are dangerous and should not be brought on campus.

What else can my child look forward to?
VCS has a robust calendar of events planned this year. While students will continue to learn and grow academically from thousands of knowledgeable educators, they will also have an array of enrichment opportunities available, including athletics, arts, extracurriculars, CTE and advanced programs.
How do I stay connected?
Register for Parent Portal to stay updated on your child’s grades, test history and attendance information, as well as pay for school activities. Also make sure your information is up to date on the emergency contact card your school will provide and opt in to School Messenger communications.
Parents should also keep an open communication line with their child’s teachers and principal.
Follow your child’s school on social media, as well as Volusia County Schools to stay updated on the latest news:
Facebook: @VolusiaCountySchools
Twitter: @volusiaschools
Instagram: @volusiaschools
VCS can’t wait to welcome you back and continue achieving excellence together!
For more information about these topics and heading back to school, visit the Back-to-School Resource Center and review the 2023-24 Parent Guide at vcsedu.org/parents-students/back-to-school-resource-center.